Research Fellow (Professor) | Chang, Ronald Y. |
Publications |
Journal Articles | |
1. |
P.-H. Chou, B.-R. Zheng, W.-J. Huang, W. Saad, Y. Tsao, and R. Y. Chang, "Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Precoding for Multi-RIS-Aided Multiuser Downlink Systems with Practical Phase Shift," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, volume 14, number 1, pages 23-27, January 2025. |
2. |
B.-H. Yeh, J.-M. Wu, and R. Y. Chang, "Efficient Doppler Compensation for LEO Satellite Downlink OFDMA Systems," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, volume 73, number 12, pages 18863-18877, December 2024. |
3. |
B.-J. Chen, R. Y. Chang, F.-T. Chien, and H. V. Poor, "Energy-Efficient Multi-RIS-Aided Rate-Splitting Multiple Access: A Graph Neural Network Approach," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, volume 13, number 7, pages 2003-2007, July 2024. ::: |
4. |
K.-M. Chen, H.-Y. Chang, R. Y. Chang, and W.-H. Chung, "Deep Unfolded Hybrid Beamforming in Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Aided mmWave MIMO-OFDM Systems," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, volume 13, number 4, pages 1118-1122, April 2024. ::: |
5. |
C.-L. Chen, C.-H. Ko, S.-H. Wu, H.-S. Tseng, and R. Y. Chang, "Device-Free Target Following with Deep Spatial and Temporal Structures of CSI," Journal of Signal Processing Systems, volume 95, pages 1327-1340, November 2023. ::: |
6. |
B.-J. Chen, R. Y. Chang, F.-T. Chien, and H. V. Poor, "Graph Neural Network-Based Joint Beamforming for Hybrid Relay and Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Aided Multiuser Systems," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, volume 12, number 10, pages 1811-1815, October 2023. ::: |
7. |
Y.-C. Chuang, W.-Y. Chiu, R. Y. Chang, and Y.-C. Lai, "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Energy Efficiency Maximization in Cache-Enabled Cell-Free Massive MIMO Networks: Single- and Multi-Agent Approaches," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, volume 72, number 8, pages 10826-10839, August 2023. ::: |
8. |
T.-Y. Kan, R. Y. Chang, F.-T. Chien, B.-J. Chen, and H. V. Poor, "Hybrid Relay and Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Multiuser MISO Systems," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, volume 72, number 6, pages 7653-7668, June 2023. ::: |
9. |
C.-H. Lee, R. Y. Chang, S.-M. Cheng, C.-H. Lin, and C.-H. Hsiao, "Joint Beamforming and Power Allocation for M2M/H2H Co-Existence in Green Dynamic TDD Networks: Low-Complexity Optimal Designs," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, volume 9, number 6, pages 4799-4815, March 2022. ::: |
10. |
K.-Y. Tsai, Y.-W. Tsai, Y.-C. Lee, J.-J. Ding, and R. Y. Chang, "Frontalization and Adaptive Exponential Ensemble Rule for Deep-Learning-Based Facial Expression Recognition System," Signal Processing: Image Communication, volume 96, pages article 116321, August 2021. |
11. |
Y.-C. Lee, H.-W. Hsu, J.-J. Ding, W. Hou, L.-S. Chou, and R. Y. Chang, "Backbone Alignment and Cascade Tiny Object Detecting Techniques for Dolphin Detection and Classification," IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, volume E104-A, number 4, pages 734-743, April 2021. |
12. |
K. M. Chen, R. Y. Chang, and S.-J. Liu, "Interpreting Convolutional Neural Networks for Device-Free Wi-Fi Fingerprinting Indoor Localization via Information Visualization," IEEE Access, volume 7, pages 172156-172166, December 2019. ::: |
13. |
S.-J. Liu, R. Y. Chang, and F.-T. Chien, "Analysis and Visualization of Deep Neural Networks in Device-Free Wi-Fi Indoor Localization," IEEE Access, volume 7, pages 69379-69392, June 2019. ::: |
14. |
C. M. Yetis and R. Y. Chang, "Distributed Multi-Stream Beamforming in MIMO Multi-Relay Interference Networks," IEEE Access, volume 7, pages 7535-7554, January 2019. |
15. |
J.-Y. Lin, R. Y. Chang, C.-H. Lee, H.-W. Tsao, and H.-J. Su, "Multi-Agent Distributed Beamforming with Improper Gaussian Signaling for MIMO Interference Broadcast Channels," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, volume 18, number 1, pages 136-151, January 2019. ::: |
16. |
I. Ali, R. Y. Chang, and C.-H. Hsu, "SOQAS: Distributively Finding High-Quality Answerers in Dynamic Social Networks," IEEE Access, volume 6, pages 55074-55089, October 2018. |
17. |
Y.-H. Tsai, Y.-C. Lee, J.-J. Ding, R. Y. Chang, and M.-C. Hsu, "Robust In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Face Detection Algorithm Using Frontal Face Detector and Symmetry Extension," Image and Vision Computing, volume 78, pages 26-41, October 2018. |
18. |
C.-T. Lin, R. Y. Chang, and F.-S. Tseng, "Source and Relay Precoding for Full-Duplex MIMO Relaying with a SWIPT-Enabled Destination," IEEE Communications Letters, volume 22, number 8, pages 1700-1703, August 2018. ::: |
19. |
Y.-C. Lin, Y.-H. Lai, H.-W. Chang, Y. Tsao, Y. Chang, and R. Y. Chang, "SmartHear: A Smartphone-Based Remote Microphone Hearing Assistive System Using Wireless Technologies," IEEE Systems Journal, volume 12, number 1, pages 20-29, March 2018. ::: |
20. |
C.-T. Lin, F.-S. Tseng, W.-R. Wu, and R. Y. Chang, "Nonlinear Transceiver Designs for Full-Duplex MIMO Relay Systems," IEEE Transactions on Communications, volume 65, number 11, pages 4632-4645, November 2017. ::: |
21. |
D. K. Verma, R. Y. Chang, and F.-T. Chien, "Energy-Assisted Decode-and-Forward for Energy Harvesting Cooperative Cognitive Networks," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, volume 3, number 3, pages 328-342, September 2017. ::: |
22. |
A. Chern, Y.-H. Lai, Y. Chang, Y. Tsao, R. Y. Chang, and H.-W. Chang, "A Smartphone-Based Multi-Functional Hearing Assistive System to Facilitate Speech Recognition in the Classroom," IEEE Access, volume 5, pages 10339-10351, June 2017. ::: |
23. |
H.-J. Chou and R. Y. Chang, "Joint Mode Selection and Interference Management in Device-to-Device Communications Underlaid MIMO Cellular Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, volume 16, number 2, pages 1120-1134, February 2017. ::: |
24. |
C.-H. Chang, R. Y. Chang, and F.-T. Chien, "Energy-Assisted Information Detection for Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer: Performance Analysis and Case Studies," IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, volume 2, number 2, pages 149-159, June 2016. ::: |
25. |
Y. Chang, R. Y. Chang, C.-Y. Lin, and X. Luo, "Mandarin Tone and Vowel Recognition in Cochlear Implant Users: Effects of Talker Variability and Bimodal Hearing," Ear and Hearing, volume 37, number 3, pages 271-281, May 2016. |
26. |
H.-J. Chou, R. Y. Chang, and J.-M. Wu, "Degrees-of-Freedom-Based Sequential Base-Station Selection in Cochannel MIMO Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, volume 65, number 2, pages 953-959, February 2016. ::: |
27. |
L.-C. Lo, W.-J. Huang, R. Y. Chang, and W.-H. Chung, "Noncoherent Detection of Misbehaving Relays in Decode-and-Forward Cooperative Networks," IEEE Communications Letters, volume 19, number 9, pages 1536-1539, September 2015. ::: |
28. |
M. Mukherjee, R. Y. Chang, and F.-T. Chien, "Design and Performance Analysis of Multirate Multicarrier Systems for Dynamic Spectrum Access," IEEE Communications Letters, volume 19, number 7, pages 1177-1180, July 2015. ::: |
29. |
L.-C. Tseng, F.-T. Chien, R. Y. Chang, W.-H. Chung, C.Y. Huang, and A. Marzouki, "Distributed Channel Assignment for Network MIMO: Game-Theoretic Formulation and Stochastic Learning," Wireless Networks, volume 21, number 4, pages 1211-1226, May 2015. |
30. |
S.-E. Chiu, F.-T. Chien, and R. Y. Chang, "On the Diversity of Noncoherent Distributed Space-Frequency Coded Relay Systems with Relay Censoring," IEEE Transactions on Communications, volume 62, number 10, pages 3491-3503, October 2014. ::: |
31. |
H.-J. Chou, C.-C. Chou, J.-M. Wu, and R. Y. Chang, "On the Achievable Degrees of Freedom of Two-Cell Multiuser MIMO Interference Networks," IEEE Transactions on Communications, volume 62, number 8, pages 2880-2893, August 2014. ::: |
32. |
X. Luo, Y. Chang, C.-Y. Lin, and R. Y. Chang, "Contribution of Bimodal Hearing to Lexical Tone Normalization in Mandarin-speaking Cochlear Implant Users," Hearing Research, volume 312, pages 1-8, June 2014. ::: |
33. |
L.-C. Tseng, F.-T. Chien, A. Marzouki, R. Y. Chang, W.-H. Chung, and C.Y. Huang, "Self-Organized Cognitive Sensor Networks: Distributed Channel Assignment for Pervasive Sensing," International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, volume 2014, pages article ID 183090, March 2014. ::: |
34. |
S.-J. Lu, R. Y. Chang, W.-H. Chung, and C.-E. Chen, "Realizing High-Accuracy Transmission in High-Rate Data Broadcasting Networks with Heterogeneous Users via Cooperative Communication," Digital Signal Processing, volume 25, pages 93-103, February 2014. ::: |
35. |
L.-C. Tseng, F.-T. Chien, D. Zhang, R. Y. Chang, W.-H. Chung, and C.Y. Huang, "Network Selection in Cognitive Heterogeneous Networks Using Stochastic Learning," IEEE Communications Letters, volume 17, number 12, pages 2304-2307, December 2013. ::: |
36. |
R. Y. Chang, S.-J. Lin, and W.-H. Chung, "A Method for the Construction of Hierarchical Generalized Space Shift Keying (GSSK) Modulation for Unequal Error Protection," Physical Communication, volume 9, pages 88-96, December 2013. ::: |
37. |
Y.-W. Chan, F.-T. Chien, R. Y. Chang, M.-K. Chang, and Y.-C. Chung, "Spectrum Sharing in Multi-Channel Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks: A Coalitional Game Approach," Wireless Networks, volume 19, number 7, pages 1553-1562, October 2013. ::: |
38. |
R. Y. Chang, S.-J. Lin, and W.-H. Chung, "Symbol and Bit Mapping Optimization for Physical-Layer Network Coding with Pulse Amplitude Modulation," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, volume 12, number 8, pages 3956-3967, August 2013. ::: |
39. |
R. Y. Chang, Z. Tao, J. Zhang, and C.-C. J. Kuo, "Dynamic Fractional Frequency Reuse (D-FFR) for Multicell OFDMA Networks Using a Graph Framework," Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, volume 13, number 1, pages 12-27, January 2013. ::: |
40. |
R. Y. Chang, S.-J. Lin, and W.-H. Chung, "Energy Efficient Transmission over Space Shift Keying Modulated MIMO Channels," IEEE Transactions on Communications, volume 60, number 10, pages 2950-2959, October 2012. ::: |
41. |
R. Y. Chang, W.-H. Chung, and S.-J. Lin, "A* Algorithm Inspired Memory-Efficient Detection for MIMO Systems," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, volume 1, number 5, pages 508-511, October 2012. ::: |
42. |
R. Y. Chang, S.-J. Lin, and W.-H. Chung, "Efficient Implementation of the MIMO Sphere Detector: Architecture and Complexity Analysis," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, volume 61, number 7, pages 3289-3294, September 2012. ::: |
43. |
R. Y. Chang, S.-J. Lin, and W.-H. Chung, "Hierarchical Space Shift Keying for Unequal Error Protection," IEEE Communications Letters, volume 16, number 9, pages 1341-1344, September 2012. ::: |
44. |
H.-W. Liang, R. Y. Chang, W.-H. Chung, H. Zhang, and S.-Y. Kuo, "Bi-Space Shift Keying Modulation for MIMO Systems," IEEE Communications Letters, volume 16, number 8, pages 1161-1164, August 2012. ::: |
45. |
R. Y. Chang and W.-H. Chung, "Best-First Tree Search with Probabilistic Node Ordering for MIMO Detection: Generalization and Performance-Complexity Tradeoff," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, volume 11, number 2, pages 780-789, February 2012. ::: |
46. |
R. Y. Chang, S.-J. Lin, and W.-H. Chung, "New Space Shift Keying Modulation with Hamming Code-Aided Constellation Design," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, volume 1, number 1, pages 2-5, February 2012. ::: |
47. |
R. Y. Chang and W.-H. Chung, "Low-Complexity MIMO Detection Based on Post-Equalization Subspace Search," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, volume 61, number 1, pages 375-380, January 2012. ::: |
48. |
R. Y. Chang, Z. Tao, J. Zhang, and C.-C. J. Kuo, "Multicell OFDMA Downlink Resource Allocation Using A Graphic Framework," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, volume 58, number 7, pages 3494-3507, September 2009. ::: |
49. |
Y. Chang, F.-T. Chien, and C.-C. J. Kuo, "Cross-layer QoS Analysis of Opportunistic OFDM-TDMA and OFDMA Networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, volume 25, number 4, pages 657-666, May 2007. |
50. |
Y. Chang, Y.-N. Lin, and D. W. Lin, "DSP Implementation of Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC) Receiver for 3GPP WCDMA Uplink Transmission," Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, volume 3, number 6, pages 789-800, September 2003. |
Conference Papers | |
1. |
P.-H. Chou, C.-W. Chen, W.-J. Huang, W. Saad, Y. Tsao, and R. Y. Chang, "DNN-Based Precoding in RIS-Aided mmWave MIMO Systems with Practical Phase Shift," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) Workshops, December 2024. |
2. |
Y.-C. Lai, R. Y. Chang, and W.-Y. Chiu, "Over-the-Air Federated Learning with Model Heterogeneity: A Comparative Study," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), October 2024. ::: |
3. |
M.-Q. A. Wu and R. Y. Chang, "Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Enabled Over-the-Air Federated Learning: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), October 2024. ::: |
4. |
K.-L. Chan, F.-T. Chien, and R. Y. Chang, "Beamforming and Load-Balanced User Association in RIS-Aided Systems via Graph Neural Networks," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), June 2024. ::: |
5. |
J.-S. Shi, B.-H. Yeh, J.-M. Wu, and R. Y. Chang, "Federated Kalman Filter-Based Fusion of LEO and GNSS Positioning," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), June 2024. |
6. |
Y.-C. Chung, H.-Y. Chang, R. Y. Chang, and W.-H. Chung, "Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Resource Allocation for Cellular V2X Communications," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), June 2023. ::: |
7. |
W.-C. Yang, H.-Y. Chang, R. Y. Chang, and W.-H. Chung, "Hybrid Beamforming for Dual-Functional Radar-Communication Systems," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), June 2023. ::: |
8. |
P.-Y. Lin, H.-Y. Chang, R. Y. Chang, and W.-H. Chung, "Wireless Multi-Target Vital Sign Detection Using SIMO-FMCW Radar in Multipath Propagation Environments," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), June 2023. ::: |
9. |
B.-J. Chen, R. Y. Chang, and H. V. Poor, "Fast-Adapting Environment-Agnostic Device-Free Indoor Localization via Federated Meta-Learning," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), May 2023. ::: |
10. |
H.-H. Liu, R. Y. Chang, Y.-Y. Chen, I.-K. Fu, and H. V. Poor, "Sensor Deployment and Link Analysis in Satellite IoT Systems for Wildfire Detection," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), December 2022. ::: |
11. |
T.-W. Mo, R. Y. Chang, and T.-Y. Kan, "DeepMCTS: Deep Reinforcement Learning Assisted Monte Carlo Tree Search for MIMO Detection," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), June 2022. ::: |
12. |
K.-Y. Chen, H.-Y. Chang, R. Y. Chang, and W.-H. Chung, "Hybrid Beamforming in mmWave MIMO-OFDM Systems via Deep Unfolding," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), June 2022. ::: |
13. |
C.-H. Kuo, H.-Y. Chang, R. Y. Chang, and W.-H. Chung, "Unsupervised Learning Based Hybrid Beamforming with Low-Resolution Phase Shifters for MU-MIMO Systems," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), May 2022. ::: |
14. |
B.-J. Chen and R. Y. Chang, "Few-Shot Transfer Learning for Device-Free Fingerprinting Indoor Localization," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), May 2022. ::: |
15. |
K. M. Chen and R. Y. Chang, "A Comparative Study of Deep-Learning-Based Semi-Supervised Device-Free Indoor Localization," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), December 2021. ::: |
16. |
H.-H. Liu, R. Y. Chang, Y.-Y. Chen, and I.-K. Fu, "Sensor-Based Satellite IoT for Early Wildfire Detection," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) Workshops, December 2021. ::: |
17. |
T.-Y. Kan, R. Y. Chang, and F.-T. Chien, "Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces and Classical Relays: Coexistence and Co-Design," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) Workshops, December 2021. ::: |
18. |
R. Y. Chang, S.-F. Han, and F.-T. Chien, "Reinforcement Learning-Based Joint Cooperation Clustering and Content Caching in Cell-Free Massive MIMO Networks," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), September 2021. ::: |
19. |
K. M. Chen and R. Y. Chang, "Semi-Supervised Learning with GANs for Device-Free Fingerprinting Indoor Localization," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), December 2020. ::: |
20. |
C.-H. Lee, R. Y. Chang, and S.-M. Cheng, "Beamforming and Power Allocation in Dynamic TDD Based H2H/M2M Networks with Energy Harvesting," IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), August 2020. ::: |
21. |
C.-H. Lee, R. Y. Chang, C.-T. Lin, and S.-M. Cheng, "Beamforming and Power Allocation in Dynamic TDD Networks Supporting Machine-Type Communication," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), June 2020. ::: |
22. |
I. Ali, R. Y. Chang, and C.-H. Hsu, "CRED: Credibility-Enabled Social Network Based Q&A System for Assessing Answers Correctness," IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), May 2020. ::: |
23. |
J.-Y. Lin, R. Y. Chang, H.-W. Tsao, and H.-J. Su, "Energy Harvesting-Enabled Full-Duplex DF Relay Systems with Improper Gaussian Signaling," IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), May 2020. ::: |
24. |
I. Ali, R. Y. Chang, C.-H. Hsu, and C.-H. Lee, "LOCI: A Mobile Q&A System with Multimodal Motivation Scheme for Local Intent Questions in Dynamic Social Networks," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), May 2020. ::: |
25. |
S.-J. Liu, R. Y. Chang, and F.-T. Chien, "Visual Analysis of Deep Neural Networks for Device-Free Wireless Localization," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), December 2019. ::: |
26. |
C. M. Yetis and R. Y. Chang, "Distributed Multi-Stream Beamforming in Multi-Relay Interference Networks with Multi-Antenna Nodes," International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), February 2019. ::: |
27. |
I. Ali, R. Y. Chang, and C.-H. Hsu, "SORT: SOcial HelpeR SelecTion Scheme for Mobile Question Answering Systems," International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), February 2019. ::: |
28. |
C.-H. Lee, R. Y. Chang, C.-T. Lin, and S.-M. Cheng, "Energy-Efficient D2D Underlaid MIMO Cellular Networks with Energy Harvesting," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), December 2018. ::: |
29. |
H.-W. Hsu, Y.-C. Lee, J.-J. Ding, and R. Y. Chang, "Highly Robust Dolphin Detection Algorithm in Occluded Cases," International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control (IS3C), December 2018. |
30. |
R. Y. Chang, S.-J. Liu, and Y.-K. Cheng, "Device-Free Indoor Localization Using Wi-Fi Channel State Information for Internet of Things," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), December 2018. ::: |
31. |
H.-W. Hsu, Y.-C. Lee, J.-J. Ding, and R. Y. Chang, "Dolphin Recognition with Adaptive Hybrid Saliency Detection for Deep Learning Based on DenseNet Recognition," IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS), October 2018. |
32. |
Y.-F. Cheng, F.-T. Chien, and R. Y. Chang, "Optimal Power Splitting and Censoring Strategies for SWIPT-Enabled DF Relay Systems with Relay Censoring," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Workshops, May 2018. ::: |
33. |
Y.-K. Cheng and R. Y. Chang, "Device-Free Indoor People Counting Using Wi-Fi Channel State Information for Internet of Things," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), December 2017. ::: |
34. |
J.-J. Ding, S.-C. Hua, R. Y. Chang, and Y.-C. Lee, "Generalized Atom and Dictionary Design and Compressive Sensing for Vocal Signal Expansion," Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC), December 2017. |
35. |
J.-Y. Lin, R. Y. Chang, C.-H. Lee, and H.-W. Tsao, "Distributed Beamforming with Improper Gaussian Signaling for MIMO Interference Broadcast Channels," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), December 2017. ::: |
36. |
C.-H. Lee, R. Y. Chang, C.-T. Lin, and S.-M. Cheng, "Sum-Rate Maximization for Energy Harvesting-Aided D2D Communications Underlaid Cellular Networks," IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), October 2017. ::: |
37. |
I. Ali, R. Y. Chang, J.-C. Chuang, C.-H. Hsu, and C. M. Yetis, "Optimal Question Answering Routing in Dynamic Online Social Networks," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), September 2017. ::: |
38. |
C. M. Yetis and R. Y. Chang, "Distributed Power Allocation in MIMO Interference Relay Networks with Direct Links via ADMM," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), September 2017. ::: |
39. |
Y.-H. Tsai, Y.-C. Lee, J.-J. Ding, and R. Y. Chang, "Flipping and Blending Based Highly Robust In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Color Face Detection," IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), July 2017. ::: |
40. |
Y.-K. Cheng, R. Y. Chang, and L.-J. Chen, "A Comparative Study of Machine-Learning Indoor Localization Using FM and DVB-T Signals in Real Testbed Environments," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), June 2017. ::: |
41. |
Y.-K. Cheng and R. Y. Chang, "Self-Sustainable Robotic Environment Discovery for Energy Harvesting Internet of Things," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), June 2017. ::: |
42. |
I. Dey and R. Y. Chang, "Adaptive Coded Modulation for Mobility Constrained Indoor Wireless Environments," IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), September 2016. ::: |
43. |
Y.-K. Cheng, H.-J. Chou, and R. Y. Chang, "Machine-Learning Indoor Localization with Access Point Selection and Signal Strength Reconstruction," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), May 2016. ::: |
44. |
I. Ali, R. Y. Chang, and J. Y.-C. Liu, "Multilayer CPW-Fed Patch Antenna on New AMC Ground Plane for 60 GHz Millimeter-Wave Communications," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), May 2016. ::: |
45. |
J.-J. Ding, N.-C. Wang, S.-C. Chuang, and R. Y. Chang, "Morphology-Based Disparity Estimation and Rendering Algorithm for Light Field Images," IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-TW), May 2016. |
46. |
H.-J. Chou and R. Y. Chang, "Interference-Aware D2D Mode Selection in Hybrid MIMO Cellular Networks," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), May 2016. ::: |
47. |
Y.-T. Liu, Y. Tsao, and R. Y. Chang, "Nonnegative Matrix Factorization-Based Frequency Lowering Technology for Mandarin-Speaking Hearing Aid Users," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), March 2016. ::: |
48. |
N.-C. Wang, J.-J. Ding, L.-A. Chen, and R. Y. Chang, "Efficient Image Deblurring via Blockwise Non-blind Deconvolution Algorithm," International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS), December 2015. |
49. |
C.-H. Chang, R. Y. Chang, and Y.-C. Huang, "A Comparative Analysis of Secrecy Rates of Wireless Two-Way Relay Systems," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), December 2015. ::: |
50. |
C.-H. Chang and R. Y. Chang, "Design and Analysis of Multichannel Slotted ALOHA for Machine-to-Machine Communication," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), December 2015. ::: |
51. |
Y.-T. Liu, R. Y. Chang, Y. Tsao, and Y. Chang, "A New Frequency Lowering Technique for Mandarin-Speaking Hearing Aid Users," IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), December 2015. |
52. |
H.-J. Chou, R. Y. Chang, and J.-M. Wu, "Multi-Objective Optimization of Wireless Information and Power Transfer in Multiuser OFDMA Systems," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), December 2015. ::: |
53. |
Y.-K. Cheng, H.-J. Chou, and R. Y. Chang, "High-Precision Wireless Indoor Localization via Weight-Learning Ensemble Support Vector Regression," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), September 2015. ::: |
54. |
F.-T. Chien, R. Y. Chang, and Y.-W. Chan, "Spectrum Trading in Cognitive Radio Networks Using Multistage Bayesian Game," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), September 2015. ::: |
55. |
I. Ali and R. Y. Chang, "Design of Dual-Band Microstrip Patch Antenna with Defected Ground Plane for Modern Wireless Applications," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), September 2015. ::: |
56. |
R. Y. Chang, S.-J. Lin, and W.-H. Chung, "On Network Coding and Modulation Mapping for Three-Phase Bidirectional Relaying," IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), August 2015. |
57. |
Y.-T. Liu, Y. Tsao, and R. Y. Chang, "A Deep Neural Network Based Approach to Mandarin Consonant/Vowel Separation," IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-TW), June 2015. ::: |
58. |
M. Mukherjee, R. Y. Chang, and V. Kumar, "OFDM-Based Overlay Cognitive Radios with Improved Spectral Leakage Suppression for Future Generation Communications," IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), March 2015. |
59. |
F.-T. Chien and R. Y. Chang, "Asymptotic Reduced-Rank MMSE in Asynchronous MC-DS-CDMA Systems," International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications (ISITA), October 2014. |
60. |
L.-C. Tseng, F.-T. Chien, and R. Y. Chang, "Distributed Channel Selection in Multilink MISO Networks: Stochastic Learning under Time-Varying Channel States," IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), September 2014. ::: |
61. |
L.-C. Tseng, F.-T. Chien, R. Y. Chang, and W.-H. Chung, "Distributed Spectrum Trading in Multiple-Seller Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), September 2014. ::: |
62. |
C.-H. Chang, R. Y. Chang, and H.-Y. Hsieh, "High-Fidelity Energy-Efficient Machine-to-Machine Communication," IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), September 2014. ::: |
63. |
W.-H. Wang and R. Y. Chang, "Signal-Spatial Constellation Optimization for Generalized Spatial Modulation," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), May 2014. |
64. |
R. Y. Chang, S.-J. Lin, and W.-H. Chung, "Transmission Protocol Design for Binary Physical Network Coded Multi-Way Relay Networks," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), May 2014. |
65. |
R. Y. Chang, S.-J. Lin, and W.-H. Chung, "Joint-Denoise-and-Forward Protocol for Multi-Way Relay Networks," Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC), October 2013. |
66. |
R. Y. Chang, S.-J. Lin, and W.-H. Chung, "Diffie-Hellman Key Distribution in Wireless Multi-Way Relay Networks," Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC), October 2013. |
67. |
C.-H. Wu, R. Y. Chang, and W.-H. Chung, "Multi-Touch Points Detection for Capacitive Touch Panel," Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC), October 2013. |
68. |
H.-W. Liang, R. Y. Chang, W.-H. Chung, and S.-Y. Kuo, "A Reduced-Complexity Blind Detector for MIMO System Using K-Means Clustering Algorithm," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), June 2013. |
69. |
S.-J. Lu, R. Y. Chang, and W.-H. Chung, "Distributed Relay Selection for Virtual MIMO in Spectral Efficient Broadcasting Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), April 2013. |
70. |
S.-J. Lu, R. Y. Chang, and W.-H. Chung, "Data Detection of Amplify-and-Forward User Cooperation in MIMO Broadcasting Systems without Channel State Information Feedback," Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC), December 2012. |
71. |
C.-Y. Hung, R. Y. Chang, and W.-H. Chung, "A Hybrid MMSE and K-Best Detection Scheme for MIMO Systems," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), September 2012. |
72. |
R. Y. Chang, W.-H. Chung, and S.-J. Lin, "Detection of Space Shift Keying Signaling in Large MIMO Systems," IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), August 2012. |
73. |
C.-Y. Hung, W.-H. Chung, R. Y. Chang, and C.-E. Chen, "A Monte Carlo MIMO Detection Scheme Via Random Noise Generation," IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), April 2012, (Best Paper Award) |
74. |
Y.-W. Chan, R. Y. Chang, F.-T. Chien, M.-K. Chang, and Y.-C. Chung, "Coalitional Game Formulation for Multi-Channel Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) Workshops, December 2011. |
75. |
R. Y. Chang and W.-H. Chung, "A General MIMO Detection Scheme and Its Performance-Complexity Tradeoff," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), December 2011. |
76. |
R. Y. Chang, W.-H. Chung, and C.-Y. Hung, "Efficient MIMO Detection Based on Eigenspace Search with Complexity Analysis," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), June 2011. |
77. |
R. Y. Chang and W.-H. Chung, "Efficient Tree-Search MIMO Detection with Probabilistic Node Ordering," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), June 2011. |
78. |
R. Y. Chang and W.-H. Chung, "Reduced-Complexity Sphere Decoding with Dimension-Dependent Sphere Radius Design," IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), March 2011. |
79. |
R. Y. Chang, Z. Tao, J. Zhang, and C.-C. J. Kuo, "A Graph Approach to Dynamic Fractional Frequency Reuse (FFR) in Multi-Cell OFDMA Networks," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), June 2009. |
80. |
H. Wang, R. Y. Chang, and C.-C. J. Kuo, "Wireless Multi-party Video Conferencing with Network Coding," IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), June 2009. |
81. |
Y. Chang, Z. Tao, J. Zhang, and C.-C. J. Kuo, "A Graph-based Approach to Multi-Cell OFDMA Downlink Resource Allocation," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), November 2008. |
82. |
Y. Chang, F.-T. Chien, and C.-C. J. Kuo, "Opportunistic Access with Random Subchannel Backoff (OARSB) for OFDMA Uplink," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), November 2007. |
83. |
Y. Chang, F.-T. Chien, and C.-C. J. Kuo, "Delay Analysis and Comparison of OFDM-TDMA and OFDMA under IEEE 802.16 QoS Framework," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), November 2006. |
84. |
Y. Chang, F.-T. Chien, and C.-C. J. Kuo, "Performance Comparison of OFDM-TDMA and OFDMA with Cross-Layer Consideration," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), September 2006. |
Technical Reports | |
1. |
Z. Tao, Y. Chang, P. V. Orlik, R. Annavajjala, A. F. Molisch, J. Zhang, and T. Kuze, "Dynamic Inter-cell Interference Coordination (ICIC) and Signaling," IEEE C802.16m-08/528, 2008. |
Book & Book Chapters | |
1. |
R. Y. Chang,, chapter "D2D with Energy Harvesting Capabilities," Wiley 5G Ref: The Essential 5G Reference Online, John Wiley & Sons, 2020. |