Postdoctoral Scholar  |  Li, Hong-Wei  
Journal Articles
1. Hong-Wei Li, Yu-Sung Wu, Yennun Huang, "On the Feasibility of Anomaly Detection with Fine-Grained Program Tracing Events," Journal of Network and Systems Management, volume 30, number 2, pages 28, January 2022.
2. Hong-Wei Li, Yu-Sung Wu, Yi-Yung Chen, Chieh-Min Wang, Yen-Nun Huang, "Application execution time prediction for effective cpu provisioning in virtualization environment," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, volume 28, number 11, pages 3074-3088, November 2017.
Conference Papers
1. Yu-Hsin Hung, Hong-Wei Li, Yu-Sung Wu, Bing-Jhong Jheng, Yen-Nun Huang, "HIT: Hybrid-Mode Information Flow Tracking with Taint Semantics Extraction and Replay," 2018 48th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops (DSN-W), pages 75-76, July 2018.
2. Eric Lui, Yu-Sung Wu, Patrick Ngai, Tung-Yueh Lin, Hong-Wei Li, Shih-Yi Huang, "Towards consistent software defined networking with logic programming," 2015 17th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS), pages 109-114, September 2015.
3. Li-Juin Wu, Hong-Wei Li, Yu-Jui Cheng, Yu-Sung Wu, Houcheng Lin, "Application dependency tracing for message oriented middleware," The 16th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium, pages 1-6, December 2014.
1. 李泓暐, "基於運行環境事件之程式行為萃取及其應用," 國立陽明交通大學,.
2. 李泓暐, "基於資訊流之應用程式行為模型," 國立交通大學, January 2014.