Job Opportunity: Postdoctoral Scholars in EMCLab@CITI directed by Dr. Hsiu
[Project Description]
Our lab was awarded the Academia Sinica Investigator Award, providing ample research funding for 5 years. We will collaborate with research teams from NTU EE and CS to engage in research on Intermittent TinyML and Substitutable AI, aiming to protect environmental sustainability while humans are enjoying the benefits of AI ubiquitously.
[Team Members]
Our team comprises three postdoctoral scholars (University of York, Tohoku University, NTU PhD), two PhD students (NTU EE and NTU CS), and two RAs (NTU EE/Finance and Chang Gung CS). The lab cultivates a harmonious environment, fosters a culture of mutual learning, and strongly encourage members to present research results in international conferences.
Prospective candidates should demonstrate familiarity with operating systems, computer architecture, and deep learning algorithms, alongside a keen passion for programming and system development. The PI's mentoring style involves collaborative engagement with students while providing them with appropriate freedom, rendering it especially conducive for postdoctoral researchers aspiring towards academic careers.
The position offers a competitive starting monthly salary of 70,000 NTD, complemented by labor and health insurance coverage and a year-end bonus equivalent to 1.5 months' salary. Additionally, flexible working hours are allowed.
No 128, Academia Road, Section 2, Nankang, Taipei 11529, Taiwan
[Reference Website]
Embedded and Mobile Computing Laboratory:
[Application Process]
Please email your resume and transcript to Dr. Hsiu (pchsiu"at" Applications will be reviewed as they are received.