Associate Research Fellow | Lin, Kate Ching-Ju |
Publications |
Journal Articles | |
1. |
B.-S. Chen, K. C.-J. Lin, S.-L. Chiu, R. Lee, and H.-Y. Wei, "Multiplexing-Diversity Medium Access for Multi-User MIMO Networks," to appear in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. |
2. |
T.-W. Kuo, K. C.-J. Lin and M.-J. Tsai, "On the Construction of Data Aggregation Tree with Minimum Energy Cost in Wireless Sensor Networks: NP-Completeness and Approximation Algorithms," to appear in IEEE Transactions on Computers. |
3. |
C.-C. Hung and K. C.-J. Lin, "Joint Sink Deployment and Association for Multi-Sink Wireless Camera Networks," to appear in Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. |
4. |
M.-H. Chen, Y.-C. Tung, S.-H. Hung, K. C.-J. Lin and C.-F. Chou, "Availability Is Not Enough: Minimizing Joint Response Time in Peer-Assisted Cloud Storage Systems," to appear in IEEE System Journal. |
5. |
K. C.-J. Lin, T.-W. Kuo, P.-J. Yan, W.-J. Cheng and S.-K. Jeng, "Beam Configuration and Client Association for Access Points Using Switched Beam Antennas," to appear in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. |
6. |
H.-H. Cheng and K. C.-J. Lin, "Source Selection and Distributed Content Dissemination for Preference-Aware Traffic Offloading," to appear in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. |
7. |
T.-W. Kuo, K. C.-J. Lin and M.-J. Tsai, "Maximizing Submodular Set Function with Connectivity Constraint: Theory and Application to Networks," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, volume 23, number 2, pages 533 - 546, April 2015. |
8. |
T.-W. Kuo, K.-C. Lee, K. C.-J. Lin and M.-J. Tsai, "Leader-Contention-Based User Matching for 802.11 Multiuser MIMO Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, volume 13, number 4, pages 4389-4400, August 2014. |
9. |
W.-L. Shen, C.-S. Chen, K. C.-J. Lin and K. A. Hua, "Autonomous Mobile Mesh Networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, volume 13, number 2, pages 364-376, February 2014. |
10. |
W.-L. Shen, K. C.-J. Lin, S. Gollakota and M.-S. Chen, "Rate Adaptation for 802.11 Multiuser MIMO Networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, volume 13, number 1, pages 35-47, January 2014, (fast track issue for three best paper finalists in MOBICOM'12) |
11. |
K. C.-J. Lin and D.-N. Yang, "Multicast with Intra-Flow Network Coding in Multi-Rate Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, volume 62, number 8, pages 3913-3927, October 2013. |
12. |
C.-C. Hsu, M.-S. Kuo, C.-F. Chou, and K. C.-J. Lin, "The Elimination of Spatial-Temporal Uncertainty in Underwater Sensor Networks," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, volume 21, number 4, pages 1229-1242, August 2013. |
13. |
C.-C. Hung, K. C.-J. Lin, C.-F. Chou, C.-C. Hsu, "EFFORT: Energy-Efficient Opportunistic Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks," Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, volume 13, number 8, pages 760-773, June 2013. |
14. |
K. C.-J. Lin, W.-L. Shen, C.-H. Hsu and C.-F. Chou, "Quality-Differentiated Video Multicast in Multi-Rate Wireless Networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, volume 12, number 1, pages 21-34, January 2013. |
15. |
K. C.-J. Lin, Y.-J. Chuang and D. Katabi, "A Light-Weight Wireless Handshake," ACM Computer Communication Review, volume 42, number 2, pages 28-34, April 2012. |
16. |
K. C.-J. Lin, W.-T. Lin and C.-F. Chou, "Social-based Content Diffusion in Pocket Switched Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, volume 60, number 9, pages 4539-4548, November 2011. |
17. |
C.-C. Hsu, K. C.-J. Lin, Y.-R. Lai, C.-F. Chou, "On Exploiting Spatial-Temporal Uncertainty in Max-min Fairness in Underwater Sensor Networks," IEEE Communications Letters, volume 14, number 12, pages 1098-1100, December 2010. |
18. |
K. C.-J. Lin, C.-P. Wang, C.-F. Chou and L. Golubchik, "SocioNet: A Social-based Multimedia Access System for Unstructured P2P Networks," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, volume 21, number 7, pages 1127-1031, July 2010. |
19. |
K. C.-J. Lin and C.-F. Chou, "Exploiting Multiple Rates to Maximize Throughput for Wireless Mesh Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, volume 8, number 12, pages 6038-6049, December 2009. |
20. |
K. C.-J. Lin and C.-F. Chou, "Cooperative Content Dissemination in Multi-channel WLAN Hotspots," Computer Networks, volume 52, number 3, pages 720-738, February 2008. |
Conference Papers | |
1. |
W.-L. Shen, K. C.-J. Lin, M.-S. Chen and K. Tan, "Client as a First-Class Citizen: Practical User-Centric Network MIMO Clustering," IEEE INFOCOM, April 2016. |
2. |
T.-W. Kuo, B.-H. Liou, K. C.-J. Lin and M.-J. Tsai, "Deploying Chains of Virtual Network Functions: On the Relation Between Link and Server Usage," IEEE INFOCOM, April 2016. |
3. |
S.-Y. Chen, T.-F. Huang, K. C.-J. Lin, Y.-W. P. Hong and A. Sabharwal, "Probabilistic-based Adaptive Full-Duplex and Half-Duplex Medium Access Control," IEEE GLOBECOM, December 2015. |
4. |
T.-C. Chang, C.-H. Lin, K. C.-J. Lin and W.-T. Chen, "Load-Balanced Sensor Grouping for IEEE 802.11 ah Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM, December 2015. |
5. |
M. Khan, A. Bhartia, L. Qiu and K. C.-J. Lin, "Smart Retransmission and Rate Adaptation in WiFi," IEEE ICNP, November 2015. |
6. |
C.-J. Huang, Y.-L. Wei, C. Fu, W.-H. Shen, H.-M. Tsai and K. C.-J. Lin, "LiBeamScanner: Accurate Indoor Positioning with Sweeping Light Beam," ACM Workshop on Visible Light Communication Systems, September 2015. |
7. |
Y.-C. Hsu, K. C.-J. Lin and W.-T. Chen, "Client-AP Association for Multiuser MIMO Networks," IEEE ICC, June 2015. |
8. |
Y.-L. Chien, K. C.-J. Lin and M.-S. Chen, "Machine Learning Based Rate Adaptation with Elastic Feature Selection for HTTP Streaming," IEEE ICME, June 2015. |
9. |
H.-Y. Lee, H.-M. Lin, Y.-L. Wei, H.-I. Wu, H.-M. Tsai and K. C.-J. Lin, "RollingLight: Enabling Line-of-Sight Light-to-Camera Communications," ACM MobiSys, May 2015. |
10. |
W.-L. Shen, K. C.-J. Lin, M.-S. Chen and K. Tan, "Sieve: Scalable User Grouping for Large MU-MIMO Systems," IEEE INFOCOM, April 2015. |
11. |
B.-X. Wu, K. C.-J. Lin, K.-C. Hsu and H.-Y. Wei, "Hybridcast: Joint Multicast-Unicast Design for Multiuser MIMO Networks," IEEE INFOCOM, April 2015. |
12. |
P.-L. Tsai, K. C.-J. Lin and W.-T. Chen, "Downlink Radio Resource Allocation with Carrier Aggregation in MIMO LTE-Advanced Systems," IEEE ICC, June 2014. |
13. |
B.-S. Chen, K. C.-J. Lin and H.-Y. Wei, "Harnessing Receive Diversity in Distributed Multi-User MIMO Networks," ACM SIGCOMM (Poster), August 2013. |
14. |
W.-L. Shen, K. C.-J. Lin and M.-S. Chen, "An Empirical Study of Analog Channel Feedback," ACM SIGCOMM (Poster), August 2013. |
15. |
T.-W. Kuo, K. C.-J. Lin and M.-J. Tsai, "Maximizing Submodular Set Function with Connectivity Constraint: Theory and Application to Networks," IEEE INFOCOM, April 2013. |
16. |
C.-C. Hsu, Y.-A. Liang, J. Gomez, C.-F. Chou and K. C.-J. Lin, "Distributed Flexible Channel Assignment in WLANs," IEEE WCNC, April 2013. |
17. |
H.-C. Li, K. C.-J. Lin, K.-L. Hua and G.-M. Chiu, "Dependency-Aware Quality-Differentiated Wireless Video Multicast," IEEE WCNC, April 2013. |
18. |
C.-S. Shih, L.-J. Chen, K. C.-J. Lin and W.-H. Chung, "Open Information Gateway for Disaster Management," IEEE ICC Workshop, December 2012. |
19. |
Y-Y Chen, C.-C. Hsu, C.-F. Chou and K. C.-J. Lin, "On Detecting Mobile Target with Deadline Constraint in Mobile Sensor Networks," IEEE Sensors, October 2012. |
20. |
W.-L. Shen, Y.-C. Tung, K.-C. Lee, K. C.-J. Lin, S. Gollakota, D. Katabi and M.-S. Chen, "Rate Adaptation for 802.11 Multiuser MIMO Networks," ACM MOBICOM, August 2012, Best Paper Nomination |
21. |
C.-Y. Ku, Y.-D. Lin, Y.-C. Lai, P.-H. Li and K C.-J. Lin, "Real Traffic Replay over WLAN with Environment Emulation," IEEE WCNC, April 2012. |
22. |
K. C.-J. Lin, S.-P. Chou and C.-F. Chou, "Video Multicast with Heterogeneous User Interests in Multi-Rate Wireless Networks," IEEE WCNC, April 2012. |
23. |
Y.-J. Chuang and K. C.-J. Lin, "Cellular Traffic Offloading through Community-based Opportunistic Dissemination," IEEE WCNC, April 2012. |
24. |
K. C.-J. Lin, C.-W. Chen and C.-F. Chou, "Preference-Aware Content Dissemination in Opportunistic Mobile Social Networks," IEEE INFOCOM, March 2012. |
25. |
C.-W. Chou and K. C.-J. Lin, "Learning-based Dynamic Channel Selection for Opportunistic Spectrum Access," IEEE Workshop on Recent Advances in Cognitive Communications and Networking (GLOBECOM Workshop), December 2011. |
26. |
K. C.-J. Lin and S.-T. Lee, "Relay-based Video Multicast with Network Coding in Multi-Rate Wireless Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM, December 2011. |
27. |
Y.-C. Tung, K. C.-J. Lin and C.-F. Chou, "Bandwidth-Aware Replica Placement for Peer-to-Peer Storage Systems," IEEE GLOBECOM, December 2011. |
28. |
K. C.-J. Lin, S. Gollakota and D. Katabi, "Random Access Heterogeneous MIMO networks," SIGCOMM, August 2011. |
29. |
C.-W. Chou, K. C.-J. Lin, T.-H. Lee, "On Efficient Multipolling with Various Service Intervals for IEEE 802.11e WLANs," IEEE IWCMC, July 2011. |
30. |
C.-C. Hsu, W.-L. Shen, K. C.-J. Lin and C.-F. Chou, "A Cooperative P2P-based Distribution Platform for User-Centric Content Dissemination," IEEE ICC, June 2011. |
31. |
M. C.-C. Hung and K. C.-J. Lin, "Sink Deployment in Wireless Surveillance Systems," IEEE WCNC, April 2011. |
32. |
Y.-C. Tung and K. C.-J. Lin, "Location-Assisted Energy-Efficient Content Search for Mobile Peer-to-Peer Networks," IEEE MP2P (PerCom Workshop), March 2011. |
33. |
M. C.-C. Hung, K. C.-J. Lin, C.-C. Hsu and C.-F. Chou, "Enhancing Network-Lifetime Usining Opportunistic Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks," International Conference on Computer Communication Networks (ICCCN), 2010. |
34. |
K. C.-J. Lin, S.-T. Shen and C.-F. Chou, "Rate-Loss based Channel Assignment in Multi-Rate Wireless Mesh Networks," IEEE VTC, 2010. |
35. |
C.-C Hsu, K.-F. Lai, C.-F. Chou and K. C.-J. Lin, "ST-MAC: Spatial-Temporal MAC Scheduling for Underwater Sensor Networks," IEEE INFOCOM, 2009. |
36. |
T.-G. Li, C.-C. Hsu, C.-F. Chou and K. C.-J. Lin, "On Reliable Transmission by Adaptive Network Coding in Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE ICC, 2009. |
37. |
C.-C Hsu, C.-F. Chou, and K. C.-J. Lin, "Virtual Domain and Coordinate Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE WCNC, 2009. |
38. |
S. Kandula, K. C.-J. Lin, T. Badrikhanli and D. Katabi, "FatVAP: Aggregating AP Backhaul Capacity to Maximize Throughput," USENIX NSDI, 2008. |
39. |
K. C.-J. Lin, N. Kushman and D. Katabi, "ZipTx: Harnessing Partial Packets in 802.11 Networks," ACM MobiCom, 2008. |
40. |
K. C.-J. Lin, S.-H. Lin and C.-F. Chou, "Performance Study of Optimal Routing and Channel Assignment in Wireless Mesh Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM, 2007. |
41. |
K. C.-J. Lin, Y.-T. Chang, S.-C. Tsai and C.-F. Chou, "Enabling Keyword Search and Similarity Search in Small-World-based P2P Systems," 16th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), 2007. |
42. |
K. C.-J. Lin and C.-F. Chou, "Route-Aware Load-Balanced Resource Allocation for Wireless Mesh Networks," IEEE WCNC, 2007. |
43. |
K. C.-J. Lin, Y.-T. Chang, S.-C. Tsai and C.-F. Chou, "Distributed Social-based Overlay Adaptation for Unstructured P2P Networks," 10th IEEE Global Internet Symposium (in conjunction with IEEE Infocom'07), 2007. |
44. |
C.-F. Chou, M.-W Hsu and C.-J. Lin, "A trend-loss-density-based differential scheme in wired-cum-wireless networks," International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), 2006. |
45. |
C.-J. Lin, P.-L. Chou and C.-F. Chou, "HCDD: Hierarchical Cluster-based Data Dissemination in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sink," International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), 2006. |
46. |
C.-J. Lin, Y.-H. Ni, H.-P. Suen and C.-F. Chou, "Cooperative Popularity-Aware MPEG-4/MPEG-7 Streaming Proxy System," The Ninth International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE ), 2005. |
47. |
C.-F. Chou, C.-J. Lin and C.-C. Tsai, "Traffic-aware Resource Management Schemes in Heterogeneous Wireless Cellular Networks," IEEE WIRELESSCOM, 2005. |
48. |
C.-J. Lin and C.-F. Chou, "Hybrid WLAN for Data Dissemination Applications," 12th IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS), 2004. |